
My Intention is Self-Love

My intention is to teach YOU how to systematically ‘work out’ your facial muscles, massage old stress patterns (wrinkles) away and transform vanity into self-love with easy to follow self-care techniques.

This practice unites Inner & Outer beauty.

‘Yoga From The Neck Up’ is a FACIAL FITNESS SELF-CARE KIT that provides ‘hope in a box’ for anybody who wants to slow the aging process. You will not only LOOK YOUNGER you will feel energized & happy every time you practice self-love!

My Story

On a trip to China for a martial arts camp (when I was 19) I had an experience that would change my life forever. During a grueling physical conditioning session, my forehead was cringing from discomfort.

One of the Chinese monks walked up to me; within a foot of my face. I had no idea what to expect. He used his fingertips to delicately push the crease out from between my eyebrows.

He smiled and took a step back. I felt my forehead relax completely. As he walked away, I watched him massage his own jaw with his knuckles.

He was teaching me without words to RELAX MY FACE & JAW WITH MY MIND!

Intrigued, I spent the rest of my trip practicing my new skill – simple, yet profound. I could now choose to consciously relax my forehead.

Fast Forward 20 Years

Since my time on the Chinese mountainside….. I’ve been researching, refining and teaching these techniques with my Yoga and Pilates students. Everyone loves the practice and sees change in their face within one week. 

I love to watch bodies, minds and spirits transform through mindful physical practice.

Movement, breath and standing on one leg can do amazing things for someone’s overall vitality, not to mention reverse the visible signs of aging from the neck down.

NOW we can see and feel the same revitalization from the NECK UP! 

As a culminating moment in my personal journey, it is with great excitement and tremendous pleasure that I present ‘Yoga From The Neck Up’, a revolutionary system for reversing the aging of the face.

An At-Home Gym & Spa for Your Face

Combine tried-and-true methods for facial toning and simple relaxation techniques that not only prevent new wrinkles from forming, but actually make existing wrinkles disappear. 

Yoga From The Neck Up’ is like taking your face to the gym, and then for a daily massage, without having to go anywhere at all. 

Lift Your Spirit, Lift Your Face!

I have always been a fan of home remedies and easy, natural ways to feel great. This ‘kit” is my offering to the world of graceful aging, empowering others to re-discover beauty from the inside out.

Have an open mind. Make it fun. Create your own moves. Stay hydrated. Eat well. You’ll be amazed by how quickly your youthful sparkle resurfaces. 

From my daily practice to yours, with love.
                                                                               ~ Kaitlen